Sumitomo Corporation and Electric Power Development (J-POWER) have started an offshore ground investigation around Hirashima and Enoshima islands off the coast of Saikai City, Nagasaki Prefecture, to explore the possibility of developing an offshore wind power plant.
The Japanese government is currently in the process of determining areas to be designated as offshore wind power development promotion areas under a new law enacted this fiscal year, for which the government will invite applications and select a wind power plant operator.
The waters off the coast of Sakai City are considered as one of the most promising candidate areas in Japan due to their favorable wind conditions and relatively shallow depth.
With the understanding of local residents and other concerned parties, Sumitomo Corporation and J-POWER will conduct boring surveys, sonic prospecting, and other investigations to determine the soil structure in the area and acquire other data required for designing the wind power plant’s foundation structures.
In Japan, because large-scale offshore wind power plants are expected to emerge under the new law, Sumitomo Corporation will pursue the possibility of getting involved in such projects by leveraging its expertise accumulated overseas.
J-POWER possesses wind power generation facilities with a total output of approximately 450,000 kW, making the company the second largest wind power producer in Japan.