Looking To Work With HPR UK

Why Choose HPR UK?

HPR UK has circa 20 years of experience in the provision of specialist personnel to highly regarded clients across the world in the Hydrographic Survey, ROV, Inspection and Subsea.

Being recognised as a reputable brand with both local and international clients and personnel, HPR UK prides itself on its excellent work ethic. Collectively, our operations team have decades of experience in a variety of roles within the industry and have earned the respect and recognition of both co-workers and clients.

We understand our personnel needs and what they might be looking for. Having first-hand experience in the market means that we also have the advantage of knowing what clients are looking for. Having this experience from both perspectives puts us in the best position possible to place you in roles with the knowledge that you will excel.

HPR UK is a reliable and financially stable company, enabling us to secure the best possible rates for our personnel. They can then undertake their assignments with full confidence that they will always be paid in a timely manner.

HPR UK fully appreciates that offshore operations are ever changing due to numerous factors, which is why we offer 24/7 support to our personnel.

Over and above all of these important facts, we don’t view your next assignment purely as another process…we’re approachable, personable and pro-active.

Be a part of our increasing pool of professionals-  please forward your CV and relevant certs to:

ROV & Trenching

Work Class and OBS ROV

Trenching Plough


Survey & Inspection

Hydrographic Survey

CSWIP Inspection


Subsea & Construction

Rigging, Welding and Lifting/Crane

Air & Saturation Diving

Surf, J&S Lay, Rigid Pipelay, Flexi Lay and Burial


Offshore Management

Offshore Managers

Field Engineer

Client Representatives

HSE Advisors/Officers

Project Offshore Admin / Coordinator
