Ocean Floor Geophysics (OFG), in cooperation with Fukada Salvage and Marine Works (Fukada), has completed a third high resolution controlled source elctromagnetic (CSEM) survey of near surface gas hydrates in Japanese waters for the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST).
The company used the Scripps Institution of Oceanography Vulcan system for the survey.
The survey comprised over 413 line kilometers of high resolution data collected in depths up to 1640 m from the Fukada vessel Shin Nichi Maru. A 3D inversion of the EM data for the entire survey area has been completed and delivered to the client.
The Vulcan system is a highly flexible CSEM system capable of of investigation in up to 1 km water depth, which can be increased to a depth of several kilometers with the addition of seafloor receivers.