Jumbo has secured the installation contract for the Shell deepwater Vito development in the US Gulf of Mexico.
Jumbo’s installation contract involves the initial pre-lay of the mooring system as well as the subsequent tow and hook-up of the FPS.
Roddy Lafontaine, VP Offshore for Jumbo said:
“The Jumbo Offshore team is very grateful to Shell for this opportunity. It is the first time Jumbo and Shell will work directly together in US deepwater Gulf of Mexico and we are 100 percent committed to the successful completion of this project. Our engineers are already working on the detailed plans so as always we can perform a reliable, smart and efficient execution.’’
Shell Offshore, the operator of Vito with 63.11% interest, has made the final investment decision for Vito in April 2018. Statoil USA holds the remaining 36.89% interest.
The Vito development is located in the Mississippi Canyon, approximately 150 miles south of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, in water depth of more than 4,000 feet.