The UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) has appointed Cathrine Armour as the new director of its Customer Division.
Cathrine joins the UKHO from Catapult’s South West Centre of Excellence in Satellite Applications, a partnership led by the University of Exeter to stimulate the data economy.
Cathrine also led the development of the Ordnance Survey’s Geovation Hub and accelerator program.
Cathrine said: “More people are starting to understand the importance of our marine environment and the need to use ocean resources in a sustainable way. Marine geospatial data is essential to help unlock the value of our oceans whilst ensuring their protection for years to come.
“In its position as a leading marine geospatial agency, the UKHO has a key role to play in how this data is applied and used across our oceans. This means thinking differently about data we hold, and ensuring that, as an organisation, we can package our data in ways that meet the needs of a wide range of users.”
“The potential for users, from commercial and government to philanthropic and aid, to use this data is limitless.”
Cathrine is also a leading commentator on the economic power of innovation, and is a guest lecturer at the University of Exeter’s Business School.
Cathrine explained how her belief in the power of innovation would benefit her in her new role at the UKHO: “Innovation is a powerful and compelling force for change. Be it economic, societal or environmental, data for decision-making is critical to shaping our shared future. I am looking forward to leading the UKHO’s development in this area as we further strengthen our position as the authoritative marine geospatial agency and hydrographic office.”