TGS plans to start the Atlantic Margin 20 (AM20) 3D multi-client project as soon as the marine seismic acquisition season gets underway in north-west Europe this summer.
The survey will be acquired by the Polarcus Adira. Fast-track data will be available in Q4 2020, with final PSTM product delivery by Q3 2021 and final PSDM product delivery in April 2022.
This new 5,600-square kilometer survey will be undertaken over 90 days and is an extension of Atlantic Margin surveys acquired between 2017 and 2019.
AM20 covers the newly awarded PL1057 license in the Norwegian Sea and extends West into open acreage where there are indications of particularly interesting structural prospects.
Kristian Johansen, CEO at TGS, said: “Since 2017, we have had a particular focus on the Norwegian Sea area of the Atlantic Margin to meet the demands of our customers and their license round requirements. AM20 is the latest extension of these surveys and demonstrates our desire to continue to acquire data in areas with high exploration potential that will support our E&P partners.”
This project is supported by industry funding.