TGS, along with its joint venture partner PetroData, plans to start Nigeria’s first regional multi-client multibeam and seafloor sampling (MB&SS) study.
The study will cover an area of approximately 80,000 square kilometers of the offshore Niger Delta and will incorporate around 150 cores from the seabed,whose location is based on multibeam backscatter anomalies.
Much of this area is also covered by TGS’ NGRE19 2D seismic data that was reprocessed earlier in 2019 to take advantage of the latest seismic imaging techniques.
Final results of the new MB&SS program will be available early in Q2 2020.
Kristian Johansen, CEO at TGS, said, “The data generated from SeaSeep technology is proving to be a complementary and valuable addition to our multi-client library. The multibeam, coring and geochemical analysis provides our customers with further insight into and understanding of regional prospectivity. Following its successful implementation in the Gulf of Mexico, Brazil and across the MSGBC Basin, we are pleased to expand the use of this technology into West Africa’s most prolific hydrocarbon province.”
Graham Mayhew, VP – Africa, Mediterranean and Middle East at TGS, and Wole Shebioba, managing director at PetroData Management Services added, “We are excited to commence Nigeria’s first regional offshore multi-client program in nearly a decade. The deep water area offers vast potential, with plenty of open acreage opportunities. This program will help de-risk the offshore region and speed up exploration decision-making in an area which is likely to see a growing level of licensing activity in the near future.”
This project is supported by industry funding.