Norwest Energy has informed that seismic contractor Synterra Technologies has started the acquisition of the Xanadu 3D seismic survey, located in exploration permit TP/15, north of Perth, Western Australia.
The survey starts after the environmental and regulatory approvals have been received from the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS).
The 40km2 3D seismic program has been designed to fully delineate the Xanadu oil discovery, focusing on the northern up-dip region, and the southern down-dip region extending out to the western flank of the structure.
The Xanadu discovery was drilled based on only limited 2D seismic coverage, insufficient to provide the high resolution subsurface model required to guide future appraisal drilling. The interpreted results of the 3D seismic program will form the basis for contingent resource estimation and appraisal well design.
The survey is anticipated to be completed by end June 2019, and once the seismic data has been processed it will be
interpreted and integrated with Norwest Energy’s existing subsurface model, at which point the TP/15 Joint Venture will consider an appraisal well.
Early results from the interpreted data are expected to be available by October 2019.
The TP/15 Joint Venture Partners are Norwest Energy, via its wholly owned subsidiary Westranch Holdings (Operator, 25%), Triangle Xanadu (45%) and 3C Group (30%).