Subsea 7 Unit to Set Up Kaskasi OWF Foundations and Cables

Subsea 7 has secured a contract for the Innogy’s Kaskasi offshore wind farm project in the German sector of the North Sea.

The work scope includes the transport and installation of the offshore substation foundation, 38 wind turbine monopile foundations and 52 kilometres of inner-array grid cables in water depths of between 18 and 25 metres.

Offshore installation is scheduled for execution in 2021 and 2022 using Seaway 7’s heavy lift, cable lay and support vessels.

Steph McNeill, EVP Renewables, said: “We are pleased to continue our partnership with innogy on the Kaskasi II project, after having collaborated on other projects such as Nordsee One and Triton Knoll. It will benefit from being managed as an integrated foundation and cable installation project leveraging the available capabilities within Seaway 7, and will use an innovative vibratory hammer installation approach to minimize the noise levels during offshore installation of the monopiles.”

The contract is valued between $50 million and $150 million.

The cables will be manufactured by the Dutch company Twentsche Kabel Fabriek (TKF).

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