SIMEC Atlantis Energy (SAE) has unveiled the design of its new 2.0-megawatt tidal power turbine system, the AR2000, which includes a large single axis turbine.
This next generation turbine will be capable of accommodating rotor diameters of between 20 – 24 meters, site dependent, with a cut in speed of less than one meter per second and a maximum output of 2.0 MW at 3.05 m/s for a machine with a 20 meter rotor diameter, the company explained.
SAE has invested more than £5m in the development of AR2000 which is expected to be deployed on future phases of the MeyGen Project and will be available for sale to commercial developers in Q4 2019.
The turbine is offered as part of a complete rotor to grid tidal generation system, with an array architecture that allows multiple turbines to be connected in parallel, reducing the cost and impact of the subsea infrastructure.
The AR2000 will have a 25-year design life with quarter-life interventions for routine maintenance.
Drew Blaxland, director of Turbine and Engineering Services, said: “The AR2000 marks the culmination of 15 years of investment, relentless experimentation, rigorous testing and subsea operation. Not only will it be the largest single rotor turbine in production, it will be the backbone of a highly efficient and cost-effective generation system capable of deployment in each of our key target markets in the UK, France, Channel Islands, Asia, Australia and Canada.
“The AR2000 will enable multi-turbine connection onto a single power export cable to reduce cost and its larger rotor diameter will deliver greater efficiencies over a range of flow regimes.
“The AR2000 system has been designed to deliver a lower levelised cost of energy and increased reliability. Combining a larger rotor diameter with a drive train capable of being daisy-chain linked, optimised redundancy and quick connection, will deliver an offshore generation system that can compete with other comparable sources of renewable generation when deployed at scale.”