Santos gets green light for Keraudren Extension survey

National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) has approved Santos’ Keraudren Extension 3D seismic survey, offshore Australia.

Santos proposed to undertake a 3D seismic marine survey over a portion of exploration permit areas WA-435-P, WA-436-P, WA-437-P and WA-438-P, and surrounding waters in the Bedout Sub-basin in Commonwealth waters off the coast of Western Australia.

The survey data is required to develop regional geologic models to inform the exploration permit retention strategy, and the potential location of future drilling of exploration and development wells.

Seismic acquisition will be via methods and procedures similar to other seismic surveys conducted in Australian waters.

The survey may be acquired in stages. The exact area to be acquired in each stage will be determined based on operational and timing factors, and in consultation with key stakeholders.

It is Santos’ intention to acquire the full survey within 2021 and/or 2022.

In order to avoid sensitive fish spawning and whale migration periods, acquisition of the survey will only be undertaken between 1 February to 31 July in any given year.

The survey will take at least 132 days to complete, with operations occurring on a 24-hour basis.

An additional 30 days of contingency time within the operational area has been provided as part of the environmental assessment.

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