Preparatory work for the installation of the Balticconnector project’s offshore pipeline is starting in the Gulf of Finland.
The work will start with protective measures in the location of cables and the Nord Stream pipelines on the seabed, after Midsummer holidays. In July, the project continues with excavation work on the shores of Paldiski where the offshore pipeline enters Estonia.
At the turn of July and August, the project will move on to the excavation work in the Fjusö area in Inkoo, where the pipeline meets the shore in Finland, the company noted.
Intensive environmental monitoring and fishery investigations will be started concurrently with the preparatory work for the offshore pipeline. The monitoring will continue throughout the project.
“Starting the preparatory work for the offshore pipeline means that we are proceeding as planned. We have been preparing for 18 months, and it feels good to get the actual construction work started. The work is done with care, observing the environment and other stakeholders,” said Tom Främling, project director.
Baltic Connector Oy is a state-owned company set up in 2015 to implement the Finnish part of the Balticconnector gas pipeline to be built between Finland and Estonia. When completed, Balticconnector will connect the gas networks of Finland and the Baltic countries and will enable the opening of the gas market in Finland.
The EU has granted funding to cover 75% of the project, and the Balticconnector gas pipeline is due to be completed by 2020.