Pipetech, the independent process system integrity specialist, has launched a new ‘Active Caisson Management’ service following a number of recent projects with North Sea operators.
Caissons are prone to damage from fatigue and erosion, which can lead to defects and wall failure resulting in a knock-on impact on production and safety.
Pipetech said that its Active Caisson Management solution aims to drive cost efficiencies, while maintaining asset integrity throughout the lifecycle of the caisson.
It involves a single sourced, full range of services including inspection, cleaning, coating and planned and programmed maintenance and repair scheduling, the company explains.
Eric Doyle, managing director at Pipetech, said: “Caissons are an essential structural element in oil and gas production, but are highly at risk from erosion defects and damage, particularly around the sea surface area. We have several years experience in caisson cleaning so understand the value a proactive integrity management plan can offer and recognised the need to take our existing service to the next level.
“We have developed our Active Caisson Management solution in response to industry demand for a joined-up approach to this costly problem and have already conducted several successful projects with key North Sea operators. Through one point of contact, Pipetech delivers all of the necessary steps to ensure caissons are inspected, cleaned, monitored and maintained to avoid the unnecessary cost of failure and reduce operational spend.”