Saipem has hired Petrolis for the provision of mooring and hook-up services on the Kaombo Sul (South) FPSO, located in Block 32 around 260 kilometers off the coast of Luanda, Angola.
The contract comes following the completion of the hook-up and mooring activities of the Total’s Kaombo Norte FPSO.
The work will consist of the onshore scope, planned to begin in September 2018, and the offshore scope to begin in January 2019.
Onshore work will take place in Singapore, while the offshore scope which includes site integration tests, will take place at Keppel’s shipyard and last until the FPSO’s sail away.
Petrolis will perform FPSO mooring activities, SURF assistance activities and FPSO hook-up activities offshore.
Total is the operator of Block 32 and the Kaombo project with a 30% participating interest, along with Sonangol P&P (30%), Sonangol Sinopec International 32 Limited (20%), Esso Exploration & Production Angola (15%), and Galp Energia Overseas Block 32 (5%) as its partners.
The field was brought online through the FPSO Kaombo Norte which will produce an estimated 115,000 barrels of oil per day.
The second FPSO, the Kaombo Sul, is expected to start up next year.