The Ocean Energy Scale-up Alliance (OESA) coordinated by the Dutch Marine Energy Centre from the Netherlands has been awarded to implement an innovative Pilot Accelerator Programme.
In this programme, organisations work together to support the accelerated deployment of ocean energy pilots in the North Sea Region.
The three-year project approved by the Interreg North Sea Region Programme will combine the expertise and capabilities of public and private partners who will jointly accelerate the deployment of large-scale pilots from ocean energy technology companies.
The partnership consists of in total 13 partners. The 8 partners delivering services are the Dutch Marine Energy Center (coordinator – DMEC), European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult (UK), Aalborg University (DK), Danish Wave Energy Centre (DK), ÅKP (Blue Maritime Cluster NO), University of Uppsala (SE), SSPA Sweden (SE). The services are used to accelerate the deployment of pilots from Tocardo Tidal Power (tidal energy – NL), Seabased (wave energy – NO), NEMOS (wave energy – DE), Floating Power Plant (combination wave/wind – DK) and Seatwirl (floating wind – SE).
The project partners will integrate individual expertise and lessons learned in an innovative joint service portfolio. The experience gained from the transnational collaboration in the project will result in an innovative service offer ready for roll-out after the project lifetime.
The alliance will also engage policy makers, offshore companies and investors to pave the way for future deployments.
Justin den Hartog, head of operations DMEC, said: “OESA is the first collaboration project uniting ocean energy expertise from organisations in the North Sea region. The region has a large track record in both Ocean Energy and Offshore, thereby able to build the cornerstones of a sector that can power the North Sea Region’s renewable energy mix to build a sustainable future.”