First guide for safer subsea mining

Classification and technical advisory body ABS has recently published the ‘Guide for Subsea Mining’.

The guide details Class requirements for the design, construction, installation as well as survey of mobile offshore mining units.

It comes as global interest in resources on the sea floor grows to support the emerging low carbon economy.

Matt Tremblay, ABS senior vice president, Global Offshore, further explained:

“The world demand for metals required for new forms of transportation and electrical storage is increasing. Metals such as copper, cobalt, nickel and manganese exist on land, but are increasingly difficult to extract sustainably. Subsea mining, with the abundant resources on the seabed, offers an alternative.”

“This guide underscores the ABS mission to promote the safety of life, property, and the environment by helping the industry develop safer offshore mining units, and subsea mining equipment and systems.”

ABS has experience in the classification of a range of offshore units, with understanding of the challenges involved in operation of these assets, including their mooring and stability. ABS has also been involved in offshore subsea mining projects with clients around the world.

The guide covers ship-type and column-stabilized units, focusing on three major elements: the hull structure; the anchoring and equipment; and onboard machinery, equipment and systems. The guide also provides class requirements for subsea mining equipment and systems placed onboard mobile offshore mining units and submerged in water.

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