EGS Survey has signed a long term partnership with the Australian Government Department of Defence to contribute to hydrographic and oceanographic data collection program through the Hydroscheme Industry Partnership Program (HIPP).
The HIPP has an estimated budget of 150 million Australian Dollars for Phase 1: 2020 –2024 (Ramp-up Period).
A panel of six Australian and one New Zealand based hydrographic survey companies will partner Defence to meet Australia’s current and future hydrographic survey requirements with a priority for safety of navigation tasks.
The efficient combination of commercial and military capability over the next five years of the HIPP program is the main strategy employed by Defence to deliver the objectives of the programKey HIPP Strategic Objectives are to obtain full, high quality EEZ bathymetry coverage by 2050 and to link Chart Datum to the National Ellipsoid through development of AusHydriod by 2030.
As part of its long-term strategy EGS Survey will work towards promoting hydrographic education and deep water survey capabilities in Australia, in addition to its on-going commitment to deliver high quality hydrographic survey data sets for safety of navigation, nautical charts and defence purposes.
The Panel will be administered by the Australian Hydrographic Office in Wollongong, NSW, which coincidently will be celebrating its 100 year anniversary on 1 October 2020.