Innovation Norway is supporting further development of CCB Subsea’s Sharing and Circular Economy business concept; a system conversion kit to enable reuse and upcycling of permanently installed subsea equipment.
The new conversion concept has the potential of enabling reuse of existing well systems in new applications. Reportedly, this will give significant cost savings, reduced risk and reduced production down-time in connection with life extension of wells.
Initially, the project will include a conceptual study of design basis, barrier philosophy, 3D modelling as well as close interaction with industry stakeholders. The next phase will include detailed engineering and modelling, establishing basis for construction and testing assessment.
“The CCB Subsea engineering team would like to thank Innovation Norway for the support. We work continuously with innovating new circular economy concepts to enable the reuse of equipment for sustainable life extension of subsea fields,” says Fredrik Normann Hansen, engineering manager of CCB Subsea.
Sharing Economy Concept
Innovation Norway has previously supported CCB Subsea with developing a digital platform for sharing subsea equipment and tools. The project Initiated in 2016 in cooperation with the major operators Lundin, Shell and Vår Energi.
An application of the sharing portal was acquired by NOROG in 2019. It launched as SubQuip in 2020 with 12 Norwegian operators as partners and participants.
CCB Subsea is supporting the SubQuip operators as consultants through NOROG, identifying sharing-business cases and solving daily technical and operational matters. Operators have already experienced the value of sharing; significantly reducing operational downtime, reducing environmental footprint, and item lead time to enable earlier production start-up.
SubQuip is also part of NOROG’s Supply Chain Management digital collaboration toolbox Virtual Inventory.
GCE Ocean Technology focuses on sharing economy and circular economy and have recently established a joint project involving sharing employees across the cluster.
GCE Ocean Technology supported CCB Subsea with project funding advise.
In 2019 GCE also supported CCB Subsea with pre-project funding to explore the international potential for their sharing platform.